Sunday, April 14, 2013

The 'blogger' rises!

Well, hello everyone. It seems quite lonely out here, but its all on me. I am one of the worst bloggers ever. Hang on, I am not even a proper blogger. Because a "blogger" doesn't leave and walk away from his blog after just making 2 stupid posts. Anyways, now I'll try to be a blogger.

First of all, back from the earlier post where I was making you feel pity for me because of the robotics incident, I would LOVE to let all of you know that we, hang on, TEAM ALPHA, finally won! Yeah our first win, it was in my college fest EDGE, where we won 3rd prize in an event. We could have done better, but I'm still happy we've started winning. And it was magical! The moment when "3rd prize: Team Alpha" was announced on the stage, it was like a happy dream. I felt like having a baby in the name of Team Alpha and I would have to and I will nurture it with love and care.

Now let me tell you the reason for not posting for such a long time. All these fests came during this time only, and I had to be away from home everyday including weekends, where I would be wrestling tournaments with my bot. Tonight I had rice after such a long long time, and I realized if when I touched it! And all these made me tired like hell. Another thing, earlier I used to stay awake till 2 or 3 AM very easily and woke up at 7:30 for college. Yeah I admit I yawned like hell during boring lectures and often took naps of 5-10 seconds in buses, but I was doing fine. Suddenly I experienced some change. Now I am unable to stay awake after 1 AM even. :( Arrrrgh! I don't want this to happen. What is an engineer without nights? Its the same as the Batman feeling sleepy at night! Oh that reminds me of the fact that Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy is one of the few things one should definitely watch. Then you can feel Batman growing inside you. It'll inspire you and it'll teach you. No really, the movies are really awesome. And the fact that fascinated me the most is that Batman has no special powers unlike other superheroes.
Oh and you'll love the Joker! :)

Photo from:
And you're also getting dizzy with an explosion of so-called confession pages on facebook? Well, sometimes I enjoy them, specially the 18+ Confessions. Actually, the comments are more hilarious than the 'confessions' themselves. I wonder if people even think of the fact that they'll have to do something out of the blue in order to post a confession on these pages. Still there's one plus point in it, you get to know some more kinds of people in this world.

Later, just started to get the sleepy feeling!

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Never give up!

So I got busy after writing my first blog post, surprising isn't it? Anyways, an intra-college fest is going on my college, actually, today was the concluding day of it. I took the chance upon and decided to take part in robotics. So I assembled my team of Nikhil and Navneet (my teammates), bought the items needed to make a robot, and then confronted some wiring doubts. So next day I and Nikhil went to Navneet's college, met a senior there, and returned to face that the next day only I had my event. So spend the night half-making it, faced lots of problems, slept after 4, woke up at 9, didn't go to college for classes, finished the bot somehow, went to college. Till this it seems pretty much ok. Now while trying it before my turn, one crucial motor broke down. Although I had been told that you would definitely receive setbacks but you shouldn't give up, this was really depressing. After having spent so much time and dedication, and for the first time while entering into a new world, facing something like this. Our bot was made quite rigid and fixed hard, so it was kind of impossible to remodel it right then and there only. It could only be done till I would get a new motor, and hence I could not participate in the fest. I felt so bad I didn't participate in other events like gaming and quiz. And just to mention, I made my first poster for this event only. I had expected it to be discarded, but the seniors selected it gladly! It means a lot to me, to see my poster everywhere in my college! Here's the poster:

Back to the dis-grateful incident, this can be imagined to be a test of my character and persistence. You might not feel what I am feeling, but try to imagine with something you love in place of robotics and you can feel it. Anyways, I haven't pulled down my shutter. I've just gone in for some improvements, and will be back with a bang at the next event. Nikhil just told he got the motor replaced, so the problem is almost solved. So the moral of the story is don't give up ever, even if you have to go out, go out with a bang! I hope I would make that happen soon and make this blogpost count as true.

And yes, on his death anniversary, salute to the great man of India, Mahatma Gandhi. This country and its countrymen would forever be indebted to you. Jai Hind!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Sometimes its good to do "self-discovery"

Well, as you can(not) imagine, at 2 in the night while I was busy solving the clues of a puzzle, power went off. And it came back around 5 in the evening, after repeated calls to the electricity board. Meanwhile it left me wondering if we are able to remotely even think of doing anything without power. Most of us would just sit and do nothing. Well, I am not one of the most! :)

In the noon, I sat for a while, and then sprang up, and opened my old drawer. And... it was magical! To go back to the childhood days upon seeing all the collections, old comics, stickers, board games, small pull-and-release cars, trump cards, favorite pens, old drawings and paintings and unfortunately some report cards among many, really many uncountable things! In those days, no one would've had the privilege to even lay a hand on them, now they are rendered useless. Anyways, it managed to bring a smile on my face, and will surely bring to your too if you do it someday.

Photo from-

So this is it, the small moments that make up a LARGE part of our lives in such a beautiful but small ways, that we forget to think the importance of these moments. They're like the singles and doubles scored in a century. From outside, just like any other viewer, only the boundaries are the highlights, but for the player who has scored it, every single run counts and he knows their value. Likewise only we can understand the values of these little memories. So just take some time out regularly, not to do something, but for yourself. You'll be drawn into a magical world inside this maniac world, where you can feel like... Well I think you should experience this yourself, as you are the player here man!

Photo from-