Sunday, April 14, 2013

The 'blogger' rises!

Well, hello everyone. It seems quite lonely out here, but its all on me. I am one of the worst bloggers ever. Hang on, I am not even a proper blogger. Because a "blogger" doesn't leave and walk away from his blog after just making 2 stupid posts. Anyways, now I'll try to be a blogger.

First of all, back from the earlier post where I was making you feel pity for me because of the robotics incident, I would LOVE to let all of you know that we, hang on, TEAM ALPHA, finally won! Yeah our first win, it was in my college fest EDGE, where we won 3rd prize in an event. We could have done better, but I'm still happy we've started winning. And it was magical! The moment when "3rd prize: Team Alpha" was announced on the stage, it was like a happy dream. I felt like having a baby in the name of Team Alpha and I would have to and I will nurture it with love and care.

Now let me tell you the reason for not posting for such a long time. All these fests came during this time only, and I had to be away from home everyday including weekends, where I would be wrestling tournaments with my bot. Tonight I had rice after such a long long time, and I realized if when I touched it! And all these made me tired like hell. Another thing, earlier I used to stay awake till 2 or 3 AM very easily and woke up at 7:30 for college. Yeah I admit I yawned like hell during boring lectures and often took naps of 5-10 seconds in buses, but I was doing fine. Suddenly I experienced some change. Now I am unable to stay awake after 1 AM even. :( Arrrrgh! I don't want this to happen. What is an engineer without nights? Its the same as the Batman feeling sleepy at night! Oh that reminds me of the fact that Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy is one of the few things one should definitely watch. Then you can feel Batman growing inside you. It'll inspire you and it'll teach you. No really, the movies are really awesome. And the fact that fascinated me the most is that Batman has no special powers unlike other superheroes.
Oh and you'll love the Joker! :)

Photo from:
And you're also getting dizzy with an explosion of so-called confession pages on facebook? Well, sometimes I enjoy them, specially the 18+ Confessions. Actually, the comments are more hilarious than the 'confessions' themselves. I wonder if people even think of the fact that they'll have to do something out of the blue in order to post a confession on these pages. Still there's one plus point in it, you get to know some more kinds of people in this world.

Later, just started to get the sleepy feeling!